
Before You Begin

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This section will walk you through demo access methods and get you set up to perform the demo.

In order to complete a SASE Secure Access walkthrough, you need the following, all of which are provided for you herein:

  • A TestDrive demo account. Your demo account is found under CREDENTIALS.
  • In the Workspace ONE UEM console, you must use the role Device Administrator at World Wide Enterprises. Your demo user will have it.
  • A Windows 10 physical device or VM enrolled into the "corp" OG.  
    At VMware Explore, a physical Windows device is provided.
  • A Dropbox account. Any Dropbox account will do. It's optional, but is required for one demo function. 

Click GO

Once the login button is highlighted in blue, click GO! to start the experience.

Horizon Login

Use the Testdrive Credentials provided in the Login Credentials menu on the top right corner to sign-in to VMware Horizon.


  1. Click the copy icon next to the username to copy
  2. Paste it on the Horizon username field by clicking on it, followed by pressing CTRL+v (Windows) or Command (⌘) + v (macOS) on your keyboard
  3. Next, click the copy icon next to the password to copy
  4. Paste it on the Horizon password field by clicking on it, followed by pressing CTRL+v (Windows) or Command (⌘) + v (macOS) on your keyboard
  5. Click Login to access


Other pasting options:

  • Windows: use right-click on your mouse/ trackpad and select Paste
  • macOS: press and hold the control key while you click the Horizon username/password field and select Paste

Launch Chrome App

Once logged in, search for 'Chrome' on the Apps Tab and click on the RDSH-Google Chrome Published App to launch it on your Browser.


PLEASE NOTE: This app takes around 2-3 minutes to fully load.

Browse to Workspace ONE Access

In the Chrome App, launch Workspace ONE Access by clicking on the WS1 Access Shortcut as shown above. Alternatively, you can copy the URL from below and paste it in the browser:


Log In to the Workspace ONE User Portal

On the next screen that comes up, log in to Workspace ONE with your demo credentials as shown.

Launch VMware SD-WAN Orchestrator

When the User Portal opens, you may find VMware SD-WAN Orchestrator already pinned to Favorites. Launch it from there.

Favorites are used to pin and quickly access your frequently used apps.  

Find VMware SD-WAN Orchestrator

If VMware SD-WAN Orchestrator is not already in favorites, go to apps, and search for VMware SD-WAN Orchestrator.  It's a web app.  From within apps, you can either pin an app to favorites or just launch it.  

Launch it.  When you launch, Workspace ONE will SSO you into VMware SD-WAN Orchestrator. 

Network Overview

You'll have read-only access. Keep SD-WAN Orchestrator open as you'll go back into SD-WAN Orchestrator later.