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With Dynamic Environment Manager personalization, end users can roam between physical, virtual, and cloud-based devices while preserving custom application and Windows settings. When a user logs in to a virtual desktop or application, Dynamic Environment Manager reads the profile archive file for that user's profile and dynamically applies customized settings. Whether roaming from device to device, or accessing non-persistent virtual machines, DEM personalization provides a consistent user experience.

Configuring Application and Windows Personalization

Dynamic Environment Manager provides granular control over which apps or settings may be persisted between sessions. As the IT administrator, you control personalization through the use of application and Windows templates. A number of templates are included with DEM. In this lab, several templates have already been applied using the Easy Start feature. You can create your own templates using a simple utility, which is covered in the Application Profiler exercise. You also have the option to download a variety of templates from VMware. See the feature walkthrough on Tech Zone for more information on this feature.

Open DEM Management Console

From the Main Console, double-click the Management Console shortcut on the desktop.  This will open up the Dynamic Environment Manager Management Console.

You may need to minimize the Firefox Browser so you can see the desktop.

Personalization of Applications in DEM

  1. Click the Personalization tab
  2. Expand the Applications by clicking the + sign by the applications under General
  3. Click on WordPad
  4. Note the DirectFlex is configured and enabled for this application

The personalization template for WordPad has been applied for you using the DEM Easy Start feature.

In this exercise you will open WordPad, customize the layout, and verify those changes persist between sessions.

Leave the DEM management console open as you will use it again later in this exercise.

Connect to Horizon Instant Clone non-persistent VM

The Instant Clone desktop pool is configured for one-time use Windows 10 desktops, which are discarded at logoff.

Launch Horizon Client

From the desktop of the Main Console, double-click the VMware Horizon Client shortcut.

Select Horizon Broker

Double-click horizon-01.corp.local

Enter User Credentials

  1. Enter User name: user1mod4
  2. Enter Password: VMware1!
  3. Click Login

Open Desktop Pool

Double-click Instant Clone Pool to connect to a Windows 10 instant clone VM.

Take Note of VM Host Name

Once you are logged in, review and note the VM host name printed on the desktop. It may take several seconds after logon for this information to appear.

Note: You may get a different VM than what is pictured in this lab manual. Just take note of your host name as it will be used later in this exercise.

Open WordPad

From the desktop of the instant clone VM, double-click the Wordpad shortcut.

Personalize WordPad

  1. Click View.
  2. Clear the checkboxes for Ruler and Status Bar.
  3. Change the Measurement units from Inches to Centimeters.

Close WordPad

Click the X to close WordPad.

Disconnect and Log Off the Instant Clone VM

  1. Click the Ellipsis (...)
  2. Click Log Off Desktop

Confirm Disconnect and Log Off

Click OK to confirm.

The instant clone VM is immediately deleted and recreated.

Open Desktop Pool

Double-click Instant Clone Pool to connect to a new Windows 10 instant clone VM.

NOTE: If you receive an error stating that the Desktop is logging off from a previous session, wait a few seconds and try the operation again.

Take Note of VM Host Name

While your host name may not match this screen shot, you should be connected to a different Windows 10 instant clone VM than you had previously.

Open WordPad

From the desktop of the instant clone VM, double-click the WordPad shortcut.

Verify Personalization Persisted Custom Settings

  1. Click View
  2. Verify checkboxes for Ruler and Status Bar are still cleared.
  3. Verify the Measurement units is still configured for Centimeters.

Close WordPad and Minimize Instant Clone Pool

HOL-2251-01-DWS - VMware Horizon - Getting Started with App and Desktop Virtualization | Lab Console | VMware Learning Platform - Google Chrome
  1. Click the X to close WordPad.
  2. Click Minimize on the VMware Horizon Client bar.

Leave the Instant Clone Pool VM running as you will use it again in the next section. Minimize the window if you need to.

Adding User Environment Configurations to Personalization

Along with persisting custom user settings, DEM personalization can be used to customize the user environment while an application is in use.

In this exercise you will configure WordPad personalization to map a drive at application open and disconnect the drive at application close. This type of dynamic drive mapping ensures resources are only consumed if and when they are needed, rather than performing unnecessary actions at logon.

If you do not still have the DEM management console running, open it from the Main Console desktop shortcut.

Add a Drive Mapping

  1. Click Personalization
  2. Navigate to Wordpad
  3. Select the User Environment tab
  4. Click Add
  5. Click Drive Mapping

Complete Drive Mapping Configuration

  1. Name: Map Apps
  2. Drive letter: E
  3. Remote path: \\mainconsole\sourceapps
  4. Friendly name: Apps
  5. Select Undo at application exit
  6. Click Save

Save Config File

Click Save Config File to commit the changes.

  1. Click the Horizon Client icon
  2. Then select Instant Clone Pool to maximize the session.

Open Windows Explorer

From the Instant Clone VM, click Windows Explorer in the taskbar.

Arrange the Window

  1. Click This PC
  2. Click View 
  3. Click Small icons
  4. Drag the Explorer window to one side of the screen so you can easily see the drive mappings in the next steps

Open WordPad

From the desktop of the instant clone VM, double-click the Wordpad shortcut.

Review Mapped Drive

Note that E:\ is mapped as WordPad opens.

Close WordPad

Click the X to close WordPad.

Review Mapped Drive

Note the drive mapping is disconnected as WordPad is closed.

Disconnect and Log Off the Instant Clone VM

  1. Click the Ellipsis (...)
  2. Click Log Off Desktop

Confirm Disconnect and Log Off

Click OK to confirm.

The instant clone VM is immediately deleted and recreated.


This concludes the DEM personalization module.

Leave the DEM management console open as you will use it in the next module.