
Create an RDSH Application Pool

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In this lesson you will create multiple applications pools from an existing RDSH farm.

Launch Browser

  1. From the desktop of the Main Console, double-click Firefox

Navigate to Horizon Administrator Console

  1. Select Region A from the bookmarks bar
  2. Select Horizon Admin A

Login to Horizon Console

  1. User name: Administrator
  2. Password: VMware1!
  3. Leave Domain at CORP as the default.
  4. Click Sign in
  1. Select Applications

Notice there are a number of Application Pools already created and associated with Farm RDSH-01

Review the applications and details.

Add Application Pool

  1. Select Add
  2. Select Add from Installed Applications

This option performs an automated scan of the applications installed on the RDS hosts in Farm RDSH-01

Select Installed Applications

  1. Make sure that RDS Farm and RDSH-01 are selected
  2. Type internet into the filter box
  3. Check the box for Internet Explorer where the installation path matches C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
  4. Select Next

Customize the Display Name

  1. In the Display name field overwrite the existing content with Web App IE
  2. Select Submit

Add Entitlements

  1. Select Add

Find User or Group

  1. Enter user1mod3
  2. Select Find
  3. Check the box for User1 Mod3
  4. Select OK

Confirm Entitlements

  1. Select OK

Edit an Application Pool

You will now edit the Application Pool to customize the parameters.

Edit Application Pool Web App IE

  1. Check the box for the Internet Explorer (Web App IE) application pool
  2. Select Edit

Add Parameters

  1. Scroll down until you see Parameters
  2. Enter parameters: https://techzone.vmware.com
  3. Select Submit

Create a Second Application Pool

You will now create a second application pool using the same application.

Add Application Pool

  1. Select Add
  2. Select Add from Installed Applications

This option performs an automated scan of the applications installed on the RDS hosts in Farm RDSH-01

Select Installed Applications

  1. Make sure that RDS Farm and RDSH-01 are selected
  2. Type internet into the filter box
  3. Check the box for Internet Explorer where the installation path matches C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
  4. Select Next

Customize the Display Name

  1. In the Display name field overwrite the existing content with Web App IE2
  2. Select Submit

Add Entitlements

  1. Select Add

Find User or Group

  1. Enter user1mod3
  2. Select Find
  3. Check the box for User1 Mod3
  4. Select OK

Confirm Entitlements

  1. Select OK

Edit an Application Pool

You will now edit the Application Pool to customize the parameters.

Edit Application Pool Web App 2

  1. Check the box for Web App IE2
  2. Select Edit

Add Parameters

  1. Scroll down to Parameters
  2. Enter https://www.vmware.com
  3. Select Submit

Review New Application Pools

You should now have two application pools: Web App IE and Web App IE2

Note - Leave the Horizon Admin page open to the Application Pools page, as you will start here in the next lesson.