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In this article we review what the Horizon Edge is and why it's needed for your Horizon Universal subscription.

Horizon Edge is a thin-edge infrastructure that you deploy into your resource capacity in a specified primary provider in a specific site. Although the Horizon Edge is based in a single physical location or region, you can divide it into multiple blocks to employ scalability.

A Horizon Edge consists of the following:

  • A Horizon Edge deployment consisting of the following components:
    • A Horizon Edge Gateway instance, which enables the management and monitoring of the Unified Access Gateway instances, handles end-user authentication services for single sign-on (SSO) capabilities, and monitors end-user resources such as virtual desktops and farms.
    • Unified Access Gateway instances, which enable secure remote access from an external network to internal end-user resources such as virtual desktops and published applications.
    • A load balancer, which distributes network traffic across the Unified Access Gateway instances. If you are deploying Horizon Cloud Service - next-gen in Microsoft Azure, the Azure load balancer is used.
  • User capacity for hosting image templates, desktop pools, and published applications. This capacity can be provided by the same primary provider that you used for the Horizon Edge deployment. Or, you can scale end-user resources by using capacity from secondary providers.
  • Networking functionality within the provider that enables proper communication between components. If you use Microsoft Azure as your provider, networking is provided by Microsoft Azure VNet.