
Hands-on Labs Interface (Ubuntu Main Console)

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Welcome to Hands-on Labs! This overview of the interface and features will help you to get started quickly. Click next in the manual to explore the Main Console or use the Table of Contents to return to the Lab Overview page or another module.

Location of the Main Console

Location of the Main Console
  1. The area in the large RED box contains the Main Console.  The Lab Manual is on the tab to the right of the Main Console.
  2. Your lab starts with a timer.  The lab cannot be saved and will end when the timer expires.  Click the EXTEND button to increase the time allowed.  The amount of time you can extend will depend on the lab.

Alternate Methods of Keyboard Data Entry

In this lab you will input text into the Main Console. Besides directly typing in the console, two alternate methods make it easier to enter complex data.

Click and Drag Lab Manual Content Into Console Active Window

You can click and drag text and Command Line Interface (CLI) commands directly from the Lab Manual into the active window in the Main Console.  

Accessing the Online International Keyboard

Accessing the Online International Keyboard

You can also use the Online International Keyboard found in the Main Console.

  1. Click on the Human icon (Universal Access) on the top taskbar
  2. Enable Screen Keyboard

The Keyboard Is Now Enabled

Click once in active console window

The keyboard will now be enabled and will autohide and appear when needed; e.g., when you click in a text field or terminal.

Return to Lab Guidance

Use the Table of Contents to return to the Lab Overview page or another module.