
Hands-on Labs Interactive Simulation: Home Sites

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In this part of the lab we will assume that you have already redeemed your Welcome Invite and setup your Cloud Services Portal(CSP) Organization so now we will get logged into CSP and make some key decisions.

  1. We will launch the Horizon Cloud Service for the first time.
  2. We will be asked what region we would like your environment specfic information to be stored in.
  3. We will make sure we select the Next-Gen Horizon Control Plane, versus the First Gen console that Next-Gen is replacing.

This part of the lab is presented as a Hands-on Labs Interactive Simulation. This will allow you to experience steps which are too time-consuming or resource intensive to do live in the lab environment. In this simulation, you can use the software interface as if you are interacting with a live environment.

Click the button below to start the simulation!

[ICEMAN replace="isim" url="https://docs.hol.vmware.com/hol-isim/hol-2024/vlp-isim-player.htm?isim=HOL-2451-02-DWS-Home-Sites.8.final.json"][/ICEMAN]

[ICEMAN replace="isim-vlp" console="HOL-2451-02-ISM_mod5b"][/ICEMAN]

You can hide the manual to use more of the screen for the simulation.

Lab Console | VMware Learning Platform

NOTE: When you have completed the simulation, click on the Manual tab to open it and continue with the lab.

[vlp:close-panel|manual|Close Instructions Panel]