
DWPG Overview

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Provisioned in the VMware Workspace ONE Cloud, a Digital Workspace Proving Ground (DWPG) is a regionally located, fully integrated, non-expiring, enterprise, digital workspace environment.

With enabling our partners top of mind, the DWPG was developed so that an active partner organization, and VMware staff, could have its own dedicated, production-level, digital workspace environment to be used exclusively for demos and testing.

A DWPG contains the following services:


  1. You must be a member of an active VMware partner organization (or VMware employee).
  2. You must have a VMware ID based on your permitted organization domain.
  3. Your network must permit email from "vmwservices.com" to be delivered to your mailbox.

Additionally, familiarity with VMware Cloud Services and Organization management and the Workspace ONE Cloud Admin Hub is recommended. 

Do not proceed until verifying email from "vmwservices.com" is permitted to your inbox.


DWPG Setup Concepts

A DWPG is a Workspace ONE Cloud environment. All Workspace ONE Cloud environments are accessed through the VMware Cloud Services Console from where the Workspace ONE Cloud Admin Hub provides access to each Workspace ONE service.

Initiated by the VMware Discovery platform, DWPG setup is a one-time procedure. You need to:

  1. Request the DWPG.
  2. Create a dedicated VMware Cloud Services Organization to manage and access the DWPG.
    An interactive simulation will guide you through this process step-by-step.

Request access.

The VMware Discovery platform provides automated brokering functionality to request a DWPG.

Locate the REQUEST ACCESS button in the upper right of your screen. Click REQUEST ACCESS to initiate your DWPG request.

If you see CREDENTIALS instead of REQUEST ACCESS, the DWPG has already been set up and the organization member listed within CREDENTIALS is your DWPG owner.  For access to the DWPG, reach out to the listed user directly or use the provided email function to contact them. You do not use the Discovery platform to access a Workspace ONE Cloud environment.

By proceeding with a DWPG request you have agreed to the DWPG Disclaimer.

Digital Workspace Proving Ground (DWPG)

Hosted in the Workspace ONE Cloud, a Digital Workspace Proving Ground (DWPG) is a non-expiring, digital workspace demo environment where you have full administrative access.

By proceeding with a DWPG request, you attest your agreement to the following:

  • You will utilize your VMware pre-sales support resource for assistance, otherwise self-support this demo environment.
  • You understand the demo environment is provisioned in the VMware Cloud and thereby managed and supported by VMware Cloud Operations, specifically not managed or supported by VMware Discovery or VMware TestDrive.
  • You understand that demo environment resets are not supported. 
  • You agree to configure and manage the demo environment following official VMware administration documentation published in docs.vmware.com.
  • You agree not to access or use (and shall not permit others to access or use) the demo environment in any manner other than for product demonstration purposes and shall specifically exclude any use for production or commercial purposes.
  • You shall access this demo environment only through the VMware Cloud Services Console and use the VMware Cloud Services Console to manage both owner and user access for your demo environment organization. 
  • For a customer trial or customer proof of concept (POC), you will utilize Workspace ONE Trials.