
The Digital Workspace Proving Ground

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This is the essential, getting started with a Digital Workspace Proving Ground (DWPG) guide. Learn what a DWPG is and how to request and onboard a DWPG. 

DWPG Overview

A Digital Workspace Proving Ground (DWPG) is a regionally located, enterprise, non-expiring, Workspace ONE and Horizon Cloud Service environment in the Workspace ONE Cloud. A DWPG is available to active Omnissa partners and Omnissa employees.  

The DWPG was developed for a partner to own and manage as their single, specialized Workspace ONE Cloud testing and showcase environment.

A DWPG contains these fully enabled production GA services*:


  1. You must have a Omnissa ID with the email address of an active Omnissa partner or be an Omnissa employee. Get a Omnissa ID here
  2. Your network must permit email from "vmwservices.com" to be delivered to your mailbox.

DWPG Setup

A DWPG is a Workspace ONE Cloud environment. All Workspace ONE Cloud environments are accessed through the Cloud Services Console from where the Workspace ONE Cloud Admin Hub provides access to each service.

Before proceeding, be familiar with Cloud Services Organizations and the Workspace ONE Cloud Admin Hub.

The DWPG setup is a one-time procedure consisting of two parts:

  1. DWPG Request - User-classified and automated request activity provided by TestDrive.
  2. DWPG Onboarding - Manual Cloud Services Organization creation procedure performed by the DWPG requester.  

To ensure a successful DWPG setup:

  • Use a Chromium-based private/incognito browser.
  • Carefully follow all parts in each step.

Time to complete:  5 minutes

DWPG Request

1. Using a private/incognito browser, go to the DWPG Request and sign in using the Cloud Services Console.

Attention Omnissa employees — Sign in using your VMware ID that is [email protected]. Omnissa email addresses are not yet supported, but will be soon.


 Use your permitted Omnissa ID.

If you do not have a Omnissa ID, you must create one. Be sure to use your permitted email address

2. Review the DWPG Request activity.

After a successful sign-in, you should land at the DWPG Request activity.

If you do not see the DWPG Request activity, either you're not properly logged in or your Omnissa ID is not eligible.

Verify that you're using a private/incognito browser and logged  in using the Cloud Services Console with a permitted Omnissa ID

If you see CREDENTIALS instead of REQUEST ACCESSthe DWPG has already been requested and the organization member listed within CREDENTIALS is your DWPG owner. Contact the listed person directly or automatically email-notify the owner using the provided function. You do not use the DWPG Request activity to access a Workspace ONE Cloud environment. You may now exit.

3. Request access.

Use the REQUEST ACCESS button to initiate the provisioning request.

By proceeding with a DWPG request, you agree to the DWPG Disclaimer: 

Digital Workspace Proving Ground (DWPG)

Hosted in the Workspace ONE Cloud, a Digital Workspace Proving Ground (DWPG) is a non-expiring, digital workspace demo environment where you have full administrative access.

By proceeding with a DWPG request, you attest your agreement to the following:

  • You will utilize your VMware pre-sales support resource for assistance, otherwise self-support this demo environment.
  • You understand the demo environment is provisioned in the VMware Cloud and thereby managed and supported by VMware Cloud Operations, specifically not managed or supported by VMware Discovery or VMware TestDrive.
  • You understand that demo environment resets are not supported. 
  • You agree to configure and manage the demo environment following official VMware administration documentation published in docs.vmware.com.
  • You agree not to access or use (and shall not permit others to access or use) the demo environment in any manner other than for product demonstration purposes and shall specifically exclude any use for production or commercial purposes.
  • You shall access this demo environment only through the VMware Cloud Services Console and use the VMware Cloud Services Console to manage both owner and user access for your demo environment organization. 
  • For a customer trial or customer proof of concept (POC), you will utilize Workspace ONE Trials.

DWPG Onboarding

4. With a private/incognito browser, use the 'Get Started' email's invitation link to log in to Cloud Services.

After provisioning, Workspace ONE Cloud will send you the crucial "Get Started with Workspace ONE" email. This email contains an invite token that must be properly redeemed.

  1. Launch an incognito/private browser.
  2. Copy the tokenized Get Started link and paste it into the incognito/private browser.
  3. Log in to Cloud Services using the same Omnissa ID used to make the request.
  4. STOP! Proceed to the next step.

Note for Omnissa Employees

This note is ONLY for Omnissa employees. When using the GET STARTED link, after a CSP login, if you are notified that, 

You just logged in with a federated corporate account and do not have a Omnissa ID linked to it...

You must link your corporate account to your Omnissa ID, as indicated in the notification.  

5. Create a dedicated Cloud Services Organization to contain your DWPG.


  • You must create a new Organization.  
  • If you are first presented with a screen stating something like you have the Workspace ONE service associated with your account, go to the bottom of that screen and click ADD SERVICE TO ANOTHER ORG.  Then on the next screen, click CREATE ORGANIZATION. 
  • If presented with a list of organizations, do NOT select an existing organization.

Give the Organization an identifiable friendly name...agree to Terms of Service...and complete the sign-up. 

6. [Optional] Rename your Workspace ONE Access tenant's URL. 

Rename the Access tenant or leave the name as is. 

7. Accept prompts to finalize the initial setup.

Follow and accept the prompts until you're in the Workspace ONE Cloud Admin Hub. Your Admin Hub should look like the image. 

Note: Although shown as a tile, Mobile Threat Defense is not currently available to a DWPG.

8. On-board Horizon Cloud Service.

Verify you have the proper Horizon Cloud Service Administrator role set in your DWPG Cloud Services Organization. Click here for product documentation on assigning administrative roles to Horizon Universal Console users.

After verifying your roles, when you click the Horizon Cloud Service tile, you will be prompted to select the control plane for your provisioned Horizon Cloud Service environment. You must select Next-Gen Horizon Control Plane. Click here for documentation on selecting the Next-Gen Horizon Control Plane

If the bottom choice "Horizon Control Plane" is accidentally selected, you will need to file a Horizon Cloud Service support request with Cloud Services Support to have it corrected.

9. Add additional owners to your DWPG Organization.

Do not lose the keys to your environment.   

As noted in the opening of DWPG Setup, the Cloud Services Console and  Workspace ONE Cloud Admin Hub are tightly integrated to provide user administration and tenant access. 

When a Workspace ONE Cloud environment is provisioned, a single user is set up as the Organization owner, probably you reading this. No one else has access to the environment. You want to avoid the following scenario:

Scenario: If the sole owner of a Cloud Services Organization is no longer available to manage the Organization, access to the Organization—and the DWPG—will be lost. ^  

Be certain to always maintain an active owner account in your DWPG Organization. Use the Cloud Services Console to manage your DWPG Organization.

Go to Cloud Services Console > Identity & Access Management to invite owners (Workspace ONE Cloud documentation).

When adding an owner to your DWPG environment, you must assign the following:

  • Organization Role: "Organization Owner"
  • Service Role: "Workspace ONE" with role "admin"

The video shows you how to:

  • Access user administration in the Cloud Services Console
  • Add an environment owner

When an invited owner first enters Cloud Services, they must select the DWPG-dedicated Cloud Services Organization.

^ For Cloud Services Engineering to insert an owner into a Cloud Services Organization, the requesting organization must submit a change request to Cloud Services Engineering with at least a Vice President's approval.

10. Verify your access.

DWPG onboarding is now complete. To verify your access to the services, perform the following: 

  1. Verify that you are in your DWPG-dedicated Cloud Services Organization and not another Cloud Services Organization to which you are a member.
  2. Inside your DWPG-dedicated Organization, you will see a "Workspace ONE" tile. Always click into this tile to enter your Workspace ONE Cloud Admin Hub and SSO into the services. You must SSO into each service from the Workspace ONE Cloud Admin Hub.

The below video shows you how to:

  • Verify your DWPG Organization in the console
  • Enter the Workspace ONE Cloud Admin Hub from within the DWPG Organization
  • SSO into a couple of tenants


Support for all DWPG services is provided by your pre-sales support resource. Otherwise, a DWPG is self-supported.

Refer to Workspace ONE and Horizon Cloud Service product documentation

Below you'll find answers and explanations to frequent DWPG questions.

DWPG environment resets

Please take care with the environment and its various services. Environment and tenant resets are not currently supported.

I don't see the Workspace ONE tile. I don't see my tenants.

Most likely, either the critical 'get started' email token wasn't redeemed or a new dedicated Cloud Services Org was not created. 

Go back to DWPG Onboarding and very carefully proceed through each step and bullet.

I can't log in to Workspace ONE UEM or Access with my Omnissa ID. How do I log in to a tenant?

Authentication into the individual tenants is provided by the Workspace ONE Admin Hub via SSO. You can not use your email address to directly sign in to a tenant. Always begin in the Workspace ONE Cloud Admin Hub.

Where is Workspace ONE Assist?

Workspace ONE Assist is integrated with Workspace ONE UEM. 

Just set up required device agents in UEM's application management, enroll and go.  

SSO into UEM is failing.

Workspace ONE Cloud sets up a tenant's admin account using your Omnissa ID (email address). If you have a pre-existing account in UEM where your email address is the username, the pre-existing account will conflict causing Workspace ONE Cloud SSO failure. 

To fix it, either replace or remove the pre-existing account in the UEM environment. 

If you need assistance with the conflicting pre-existing account, reach out to your pre-sales support contact.

Can the top-level Workspace ONE UEM Group ID be renamed?

Best practice is to not rename Workspace ONE UEM's top-level group ID. Instead, create child OGs with your desired names and Group IDs, and enroll devices into the child OGs.

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